Propane vs Natural Gas Fire Pit: What is the Best Table?

propane vs natural gas fire pit manualWhen it’s getting cold, some heat is essential outdoors. Meanwhile, fire is not only practical but romantic, making your nights charming and memorable. Thus, it’s beneficial to install a stylish fireplace in your yard or garden. However, consider the benefits and drawbacks of propane vs natural gas fire pit to select the suitable fire source.

Opting for a modern, comfortable table, you’ll get a versatile outdoor seating. Just decide, what to burn in a fire pit table. The atmosphere in your patio or garden will be always relaxing and inviting. Your outdoor environment will look stylish and luxurious, attracting your friends and family members.

So, come together and have fun or just enjoy the astonishing fire heat and vibe.

Natural Gas vs Propane for Fire Pit

In the days past, wood fireplaces were common. These traditional sources of warmth were efficient, adding pleasant smell and magical charm to the family gathering spots. Nowadays, we prefer cleaner and safer fuel to power the fire pits. However, which one to select?

Quite naturally, the choice depends on your needs and preferences. Meanwhile, comparing propane versus natural gas fire pit, we consider the fuels’ portability, energy-efficiency, cost, and safety.

natural gas vs propane for fire pit answerThus, a natural gas fire pit table is permanent. The fuel is supplied through the stationary gas line. It burns clean, requiring virtually no maintenance. The fireplace is intuitive to use. The line installation may be a bit complicated, but lighting is the simplest. This option is convenient and time-saving, as the constant gas source is available and you don’t have to refill the tank. It also allows the house owners to make the fire larger, adding warmth.

Preferring natural gas vs liquid propane to power your fire pit table, you’ll need to build a stationary fireplace. It’s commonly larger and heavier than a portable one. The table can be made of brick or stone, looking impressive and decorative. Finally, natural gas is not as heavy as propane, and therefore, considered to be a bit safer.

See interesting information about best propane fire pit tables!

Pros and Cons of Propane Fire Pits

Propane is delivered in tanks that are commonly portable and handy. Therefore, your propane fire pit table is beneficially movable. It can be easily installed anywhere you like, in your patio corner or on the beach.

Propane versus natural gas fire pit is:

  • more energy- and cost-efficient;
  • versatile;
  • burning brightly;
  • compact and lightweight.

Propane fuel is significantly more expensive than the natural gas, but it provides about 2,490 BTU per c.f. (cubic foot). The gas BTU rating is much lower: it makes about 1,030 BTUs. So, it’s not difficult to calculate the total fuel expenses and compare them. Just take into account that the propane price is subject to some seasonal fluctuations.

How to Use a Propane Fire Pit?

Commonly, the best propane fire pit tables require only minimal installation. They are easy to use and clean. The tank is to be hooked to the fireplace, connecting the hose. The safety precautions are to be followed. Check the connections for leaks.

Meanwhile, multiple fireplace enthusiasts wonder, how to hide propane tank for fire from view. No problems! A lot of options are available. The tank can be placed underneath the table or outside. Therefore, it is accessed through a side door or stored in a side table, within not more than 10 feet from the pit. For example, a round fire pit with a propane tank inside is a popular option. It’s top-quality, made of granite, looking classic, reinforced by the stainless steel frame.

Where Better to Put Your Fire Pit Table?

propane fire pit safety answerAccording to the HPBA Association, a fire pit can’t be installed indoors. So, it finds its place anywhere in your backyard, according to the landscape design. Safety should be considered. The sparks and flames are to be sufficiently far from the flammable materials, plants, and trees. The house and the pergolas are to be securely out of the fire reach, even if the wind is strong and gusting.

Finally, a fire pit table top insert is desirable. To avoid any damage. It can be placed virtually on every table. Preferably made of stainless steel or natural stone.

Round or square, an accessory of this kind is durable and easy to start. The top-quality fire pits commonly come with easy start and control panels. Presupposing electric ignition.

Can You Convert Propane Fire Pit to Natural Gas?

It depends on the table model and design. In order to build a completely safe fire pit, study the manual carefully or ask the manufacturer for the most detailed additional instructions. Most burners are convertible, but I would recommend you to hire certified professionals to do the job.

Thus, now you know which fuel source is the best for you, where to put propane tank for the fire pit and how to install it in a completely safe way. It’s not easy to choose the style, material, and design, as the selection is huge and it’s a matter of your taste. It remains only to choose and immediately buy the Best Propane Fire Pit Table.

Expert knowledge. Recent research data. That’s all you need to select the best yard accessory. Outdoor cooking is fun. It’s attributed to great holidays and a friendly atmosphere. It will be even more pleasant and easy with a perfect fire pit or smoker.

1 Comment
  1. Thanks for elaborating on how efficient a propane-powered fire is for your outdoors. My uncle is trying to improve his home exterior’s ambiance, but he’s unsure where to begin. I bet my uncle will like the idea of using propane for his garden.

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